Cleaning a fine area rug usually isn't as difficult as cleaning a massive piece, depending on the degree of attention and maintenance it receives on a regular basis. Of course, any proper area rug cleaning and care heavily depends on distinct features such as construction, material and size – while the wall-to-wall rug requires a different degree of care compared to an area rug, any piece falling into the category of expensive Oriental rugs requires highly-individual care.
Large or small area, area rugs need thorough and regular maintenance to keep them in good shape. We commend your desire to care for your rugs on your own, but hiring a professional rug cleaning is always a better option as we take the maintenance of any expensive rug to the next level. We have the techniques and the machinery to remove ugly stains that may seem permanent to you as well as provide gentle hand washing of the area rug as a whole – whichever the case, trust us to clean your rare area rug using the mildest detergents picked based on the material of the rug and its resilience.
Furthermore, most rug cleaning companies fail to realize that a very essential step of cleaning an area consists of thoroughly drying it based on individual properties – if left moist on any level, the rug may develop mildew and odor in a short amount of time. To prevent this, we have industrial dryers as well as a specially-equipped facility that offers multiple drying methods based on the carpet's state, ensuring that your beautiful rug keeps its texture and size post-cleaning.
Above all, expensive area rugs are used to enhance the overall beauty of a room – this is the reason why most area rugs are made with appearance in mind much more than rugs meant for regular use. Despite their ornamental use, area rugs are far from being safe from pollutants, and a rug that isn't being maintained often will quickly suffer from a deterioration of appearance.
The problems area rugs might face
No matter how careful you are with your precious area rug, save from enclosing it in a glass case, there is always a chance that someone will spill something on it. Barring that, never moving an area rug from its spot might also leave permanent markings due to dust or even the glue or dyes used in its manufacture leaking.
For these reasons, it's very important that you conduct proper cleaning of your area rug regularly, avoiding soaking it in tubs of water and detergent. Even with your best efforts, however, there is only so much you can do without risking damage to the rug – the safer option is to give our friendly line a call.
How Oriental Rug Pros do their magic
Through our combination of dedication and expertise, we offer high-tech cleaning of even the most difficult stains and impurities. Each of our cleaning jobs is tailor-made for expensive area rugs that require that special touch that most cleaning companies lack.
Our prowess is such that we can even remove oil spills from a delicate antique regardless of age. There's no question that these are the toughest to take out whether they are on a rug or your clothes, and you might have heard various ways of dealing with them.
Get some flour, drizzle a generous amount of it on the oil spill and leave it be until the dry flour has completely soaked the oil. This may take time, especially if the spill is an old one. Next, we use a towel to gently rub the moist mixture off, then iron the back of the rug, using heat to remove the oil more easily.
Forget ill-advised methods like the one above that urge you to take a haphazard approach to what is likely a very expensive item. Spills – especially oil spills – on any rug other than a mass-produced machine made one require expert attention as soon as possible, and don't believe anyone telling you otherwise.
We will use a variety of high-tech method of our disposal to clean your area rug of even the most stubborn stains as well as giving it a complete makeover by removing the gradual buildup of dust and dirt that is robbing it of its shining colors. With us, you won't have a feeling of tumbling in the dark as you're trying to get your rug cleaned – we'll pick the rug up from you, take care of it in our facility, and deliver it back to your doorstep free of any damage or pollution quicker than you might have hoped for.